
Saturday, March 20, 2010

Journey to the center of the Blogosphere

Hi! In case you haven't read my 'About The Author' page --

-my name is Jeffrey
-18 years old
-a child of God [Praise be to Him]
-loves his friends
-a frustrated singer [they say otherwise. they tell me i'm great]
-a frustrated dancer [some says I suck, majority says I'm great. do you play Dance Maniax at the Quantum? I dance there :D]
-a music lover [once upon a time, I cut all my connections with my friends. my only company is music, and during those time, I could not ask for more than my hearing not to deteriorate. I don't have an iPhone, an iPad, an iPod, but I do have a Nokia 5800 XpressMusic which is amazing]
-a know-it-all guy [people come to me for advices, whether it be on studies, on life, and on love. ^^]
-a choosy lover [my ex-girlfriend lifted the standards bar. that's why I'm still single. :D]
-a mall enthusiast [i love malls that offer free wi-fi, that house Dairy Queen and Icebergs, and that are huge - SM North Edsa, yay!]
-a perfectionist [whenever I commit mistakes in grammar and when people read about it, I lose my head. and when people criticize my works, I may cry. so weak]
-a programmer [during my two years of studying Computer Science in my school, I failed to do just 2 programs out of everything]
-a photo-taking enthusiast [I love pictures, especially those of me and my friends. when I have time to kill, I spent it viewing these pictures and feel great about it. ^^]
-a man of literature [ Poems, short stories, novels, and the likes are losing their part on people's lives as technology advances. Or so they say. I'm still in love with literature. I can write poems and short stories. I love reading novels. I respect those who made significant works in literature.]
-a manga-reader [though I don't know a lot of mangas, I love them - Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Zettai Kareshi, Bitter Virgin, D.N. Angel, and Detective Conan to name some. I love them so much that my style in drawing was heavily influenced by them.]
-a photographer wannabe [I don't own a digital camera. Neither those cameras boasting a price of $600+. All I have is the Nokia 5800 ExpressMusic and its lame 3.2MP camera.]
-a violin player [in my DREAMS.]
-a man of philosophy [thing is, I know nobody that shares my love with it]
-loves gadget but doesn't have any. [my dream is to have an iPad.]
-lastly, an aspiring professional blogger. [that's why I'm here]

This is just a few. I still have many qualities. Maybe I'll add them if the time comes when I have a lot of followers and get requests. ^^

So the title of this page is 'Journey to the center of the Blogosphere', in case you do not know, which is impossible. How the hell did you get here?

That's not the question.

So what IS the question?

The question is . . .

[drum rolls]

Why the title?

Yeah, that's it. Why the title. Really, why?

I don't have any idea.


[I think during this point, you're deciding whether to continue reading or make up your mind that you're wasting minutes of your precious life in reading this. Hope it's the former. *wink*]

Journey to the center of the Blogosphere. I want to be a famous blogger.


Primarily it's because of the money. I'm a second year college student that spends a lot and earns nothing. I'm 18, and a realization hit me that I must, in any way, help my family in terms of finance. I realized that instead of wasting 90% of my free time using the computer with really no reason, no goal, no objective, I should use them to earn money. And with the influence of my best friend, which earns money now through blogging, I decided to try it.

But this isn't my first time to make a blog. I have a personal blog in Friendster. But it ain't the type of blog to earn money.

Another reason why I am blogging is that I love writing. I love the feeling when people read my blog posts. I love it when people say my writing skills are great. But I know I should learn more. Through blogging, I can improve my writing skills.

And lastly, I just want to kill time. [what a crappy reason]

So it's my dream to see this blog having lots of followers, thinking AND realizing that their lives were touched and influenced in any way by the contents of this blog.

That's it. Thank you for reading. My prayers go with you.

God bless! ^_^


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