
Monday, April 5, 2010

Harry Potter Final Movie Script Found in a Pub!

And I mean it! No joking around here.

If I will be the one who found that 118-page script of one of the most anticipated movie of the year, I'm gonna lose my mind! And probably be admitted at St. Mungo's. : )

The incident occurred on Thursday night at Waterside Tavern, when several crew members of the movie went to relax after a full day of shooting. The Deathly Hallows, the final installment in the box-office franchise Harry Potter, is currently wrapping up production at Leavesden Studios in Kings Langley, Hertfordshire. Apparently, with a drinking session, probably Madam Rosmerta's mulled mead played a role here, everyone was having a good time that they forgot to take their things when they left.

The script - marked with 'Private and Confidential', which reads just the same for me as 'Read me! Read me!' - was found under a table.

A source at the pub says, "They'd got behind schedule in filming but then caught up, so they went out for a celebratory drink which led to many more.

"There was a huge group. They were here all night, laughing and joking, chucking back beers.

"Daniel Radcliffe is the only member of the cast who has been known to come down and have a laugh with them, but he wasn't there that night."

"I couldn't believe my eyes. I know guys that work on the film drink in the pub, but it's very embarrassing that someone could just leave it there,” said the person who found the script.

Well, they wouldn't reveal what they had read, but it's a talk that several drastic changes have been made for the film adaptation - which is, in my opinion, very annoying. The book is so damn great and what the hell are they doing changing things here and there. If I just own a wand I'm gonna Stupefy them all.

Good thing they wouldn't reveal what they had read - it would be a very painful spoiler. But then again, maybe Her Excellency J.K. Rowling went to the pub with Professor Snape made him use Obliviate on them.

Go get them, Half-Blood Prince ! 


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