
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I am sick. Can you call a doctor very quick?

Were you able to read the message in the image? Studies tell that 90% of those who will see this image cannot see the message. The remaining 10% are, of course, those who can read the message. But here's the catch: 90% of this 10% have 70-30 chances of developing various mental disorders if and only if they decided to spend time reading this blog post. The 10% remaining, however, are said to be those people that boast very high IQs - ranging from 120 - 160. They are as smart as Einstein! They say that his IQ is 160, but he never took an IQ exam. As if he needed to prove how brilliant he is. Or how mental.

Thing is, if you think that you belong to the 10% of the 10% from the 100% of the people who see this blog post, then you are stupid! Ha ha ha ha ha! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
Blog Moderator's comment
My sincerest apology to our dear readers. The writer of this post is in such a pitiable state that he cannot write with sense. If you just saw him while typing this post of his, you'll know how I feel. I mean, what kind of man types on a laptop with a blindfold on? Well, I'm not annoyed with him. I think it's the effect of his current condition right now. He is sick. Maybe he'll make sense again when he recovers. Well, just maybe. Pray for him guys! If you want to, you can post your wishes for his recovery through making a comment in this blog post.

Thank you for your understanding.

P.S. I would like to reach out to those who've became fans of the Facebook page of this site. I give you my warmest thank you, in the name of the real author of this blog, Jeffrey, who is in not in a good state. Really.


Anonymous said...

Aww.. hey it' me..the anonymous..^_^

so sad to know you're sick.. i hope and pray you will get well soon..

God Bless..

Unknown said...

to the anonymous..

thank you for your prayers! :) maybe i'll be sick for a week. just like last year. :(

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