
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Chain of Memories - Chapter 2


Changmin jumped out of the car. He still can't believe it.

"It's beautiful. Thanks hyung!"

Jeff touched his brother's head and ruffled his hair as he made way towards the house. Changmin followed.

Changmin's eye caught something.

"That's an iPad."

"Hmmmm?", Jeff said as he place the gadget in his lap.

"YOU RICH DOG!" Changmin yelled. He tried to wrestle the gadget from his hyung.

"Haha. This is mine. Didn't you saw your laptop in the car?"

Changmin rushed out the house and into the car.

It's a Lenovo Ideapad. Changmin wanted a Macbook Pro, but he's not complaining. He got the freakin' car!

"Hyung, how did you get all this money?"

"From work," Jeff simply replied. "Didn't I tell you that they pay great? I've been saving for two years."



"You're the best."

"Thanks." Jeff smiled.

Changmin powered his laptop on and, after booting, he opened his e-mail account. He saw that there's a message from an unknown sender.

"Hyung, read this."

Jeff approached Changmin and they read the message together.

Title: hey!
Message: Happy birthday to you guys! How have you two been?

"I think I know them." Jeff said.

Because of Jeff's grim expression, Changmin laughed so hard. He now realized who the sender is. Or who the senders are.

The bell on the door rang. Changmin opened the door.


There, outside, stood Yunho, Junsu, and Yoochun.

"Talk about a dramatic entrance." Jeff is smiling now.

The three were ushered into the living room.

"Where's Jae-hyung?" Changmin asked Yunho.

"He's checking that awesome car beside your house. Who owns that?"

"It's mine," Changmin replied.

Yoochun punched him in the gut. "You rich lucky bastard!"

Jeff and Junsu laughed.

"Hey Jae! What are you doing there? You should see how tall Min is!" Yoochun called.

Jae seemed busy with the car. He's probably amazed with it, Yoochun thought.

"Be right there!" Jae called back.

Junsu sighed, then said, "It's been two years. I missed you guys."


The six guys - Jeff, Changmin, Jaejoong, Yunho, Yoocun, and Junsu - went to the same college, but Jeff was the only one to finish his degree.

Yunho dropped out from school during their fourth year. His family moved out of the country, and since Yoochun was adopted by Yunho's parents when he was just two years old, he dropped from school, too.

Junsu's father, a president of a big company, died right after Yunho's and Yoochun's departure. Junsu was appointed as president of the company, and since he already proved himself worthy, nobody objected his sudden rise to the position.

Jaejoong's reason for dropping out from school is simple - an emotional instability. When he and Robedith broke up, Jae was so broken he decided it best to drop from school so he won't see Robe anymore. His friends were not able to stop him.

Changmin's reason? He just didn't feel like going to school anymore.
Thing is, Jeff always spoiled his brother, so he didn't stop him.
But Jeff knows that his younger brother will, in the future, figure out what he really wants to do with his life.


The guys talked about the past.

“Do you remember, when we got detention—,” started Junsu.

“Well, no. We got detentions all the time. Lost track of them all. Which one of those?” Yoochun said, laughing.

“Haha. The one where we were called by the Dean because of a prank Yunho set on our Biology professor.”

Once, during their first year, they had a Biology class where they dealt with the dissection of frogs. Their professor, a lady in her thirty’s, hate frogs – living frogs.

Yunho, the prank master, settled on the front table, near the professor’s desk. The other guys settled on the tables near Yunho so they’ll see the action.

Yunho went to talk with the professor. “Professor, would you please take a look at my frog? I want to know if I did it correctly.”

The professor, who hasn’t heard Yunho’s reputation yet, went to Yunho’s table. Just when she crouched to get a better look at the frog, it suddenly jumped to her face.

Yunho attached a string to the frog that he pulled the moment the professor’s face is in front of the frog. The boys all roared with laughter.

The Dean is walking on the corridor when he heard the professor’s scream. He immediately went to the room. “Boys! To the Dean’s Office!”

The boys followed, still laughing.

In the office, the Dean asked Yunho, “You will be included in the school’s Hall of Pranksters. Your pictures will be posted outside the school. Is that alright?”

Yunho replied, “It’s a complete privilege, sir”, while laughing.

“Nice manners. So, do you have anything to say for your defense?”

“Only this, sir,” and he placed his hand on the dean’s table.

“And then, when Yunho showed the frog, the Dean screamed and backed off,” Jae said. Everyone’s laughing so hard now.

“Thing is, Yunho-hyung is the only one who knows that even the Dean’s afraid of frogs,” Changmin said.

After an hour of laughing and of reminiscing the past, they started saying their farewells. Everyone shook hands.

They all noticed that Jaejoong’s not comfortable with Changmin.

“Hey Jae, still not over Robedith?” Junsu asked.

“Yeah, she’s Changmin’s now. Be a man and accept it. It’s been two years already,” Yoochun added.

Jae made no comment.

“So, we’re leaving now. Take care of each other, ok?” Yunho said to the twins.

Then suddenly, the house exploded.

A man, hiding behind a tree, watches as the house burned. He said to his phone, “Mission accomplished.”

The newspapers were filled with details about the tragedy. Front pages were filled with texts like

Bombing in the district, 6 men dead.

Terrorism in the country claimed 6.

6 burned beyond recognition.

The police are investigating the case, trying to find the reason behind the explosion and as to who is the perpetrator of the crime.

“An explosion? For real?” Yoochun asked.

Junsu hit Yoochun’s head and said, “Stupid, that’s fictional.”

“What? You listen to this stuff?” Jeff asked.

“Well, it’s like James Bond, come on. Try listening to it for once, it’s awesome!”

“Forget it,” the five guys said in unison.

“Take care of yourselves,” Jeff told them.

“Thanks for dropping by!” Changmin said.

“Oh, by the way, here,” Junsu gave Jeff a small envelope. “Read it when we’re gone.”

“What’s funny?” Jeff asked as he noticed Yunho suppressing his laugh. Yunho just shook his head.

“See yah!” Yunho, Jaejoong, Junsu, and Yoochun said. “Happy birthday!”

“Bye! Thanks!” said the twins.



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