
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Chain of Memories Chapter 11

[if there are errors, sorry. it's 3:27AM, and i'm tired to read through all of this again to check for errors. maybe later. i'll sleep first. :) ]


He walked on.

Memories of Robedith still lingered in his mind. He clutched his chest, as if it’ll help. As if by doing so, the pain will stop.

He walked on. The water reached his chest already. Forward. The water reached his chin. He went on. The water reached his lips. He held his breath back and walked on. He walked on until he’s completely submerged.

He tried to swim forward. He do not know how to, but tried anyway. After a few moments, he stopped. He felt he can’t hold his breath longer. He opened his eyes. It was painful, but not as painful as what he feels in his heart. He looked upward. He can see the moon, though blurred. He tried to reach the surface with his hands to know how deep he was.

Then, he breathed.

Pain shot through his lungs, pushing all other thoughts away. His body reflexes caused him to try to reach the surface to no avail. He can’t swim.

He felt his consciousness slipping away.

He thought of Robedith.

“Finally, it’s over.”

His vision became blurred. He knew the end is near.

Suddenly, he felt something in his forearm – like a vice grip. He thought it was pulling him. Then, he was unconscious.
“Hey Min!”

Changmin returned to the present. He was so lost in his reminiscence.

“What?” he said.

“It’s 4AM,” Jeff replied.


“What are you doing? Searching for comets? ”

Then he remembered Cassiopeia.

“So that’s how I remembered that,” he murmured. He looked at the constellation again, then looked at Jeff.



“Come over here.”


“Come on.”

As Jeff walked, Changmin stared at him. They really looked alike, he thought. And he was thankful for that. He idolized his older brother so much to the point that he imitated his sense of clothing, his hairstyle, even the way he walks. He wanted to be as cool as his brother.

When Jeff is near him, Changmin stood up and hugged him.

“Eh? What’s up?” asked Jeff.

“Nothing, he he. We’ll never know what will happen tomorrow, or the next day, so might as well hug you while I can.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Jeff asked, laughing. He broke their hug and said, “Didn’t we have a promise? That we’ll never be apart?”

“Yeah, I know. I just remembered something.”

“And what is that?”

“When I almost drowned in the lake near the school,” Changmin said, weakly.


It was one topic that never got discussed. Changmin couldn’t remember what happened after he lost consciousness underwater. He didn’t even knew who saved him either.

“Just be thankful that I’m quite the swimmer,” Jeff said, smiling.

“So it was you!  But how? You’re at home during that time right? You have this ridiculously high fever that time, and you’re not even at school.”

“And still you decided to leave this poor person with no one to take care of him, huh. I was eating porridge that night, when suddenly my phone rang, and it’s Yunho. He told me that you’re nowhere to be found, and that he’s worried.”

“Yunho never knew that lake, and I can’t speak properly, so I decided not to explain to him and to go there myself.”

“I thought I was too late the moment I saw your shoes. You can’t imagine the way I felt that time. Still, I wasted no time. I know you’re a bad swimmer, so I knew that you weren’t able to reach far. My head really hurt during that time, but I ignored it.”

“I removed my clothes, and ran toward the lake. You haven’t seen me swim yet, right?”

“Then I saw you, struggling to reach the surface. It was the adrenaline that kept me going. When I reached you, I held your forearm then I dragged you up to the surface. You’re not moving anymore during that time. I thought my heart stopped. I took the both of us to the land. Good thing I know first aid.”

“I’m sorry,” Changmin said.

“It doesn’t matter to me anymore, it’s the past anyway,” Jeff said.

“I’m sorry.”

“I told you, it doesn’t matter anymore.”

“I’m sorry.”

Jeff sighed. “Sorry is a meaningless word. Can it erase the pain? Can it change what already happened? Can it mend the wounds of the heart?  No.”

“What you should do instead of saying sorry is learn from your mistakes and grow up. So you’ll never hurt yourself. So you’ll never hurt those people you held most dear.”

“Sorry is a sign of sincerity. Yes. But saying sorry isn’t enough.”

“Learn and grow - for yourself and for the people precious to you.”

"Cool!" Changmin exclaimed.

"Hey, I'm trying to be serious here! Ha ha," Jeff laughed

“He he,” Changmin responded. “You’re really good, huh. We are of the same age, yet you’re matured already while I’m not. I really admire you.”

“Maybe that’s why we’re brothers. You’re there to learn from me and I’m here to teach you. Ha ha,” Jeff answered.

“Anyway, I think it’s getting late,” Jeff said, making Changmin burst in laughter. “Go to sleep.”

“Sure hyung. Good night!”

“Good night! Go to sleep immediately. You don’t want going to Junsu’s party with those dark circles around your eyes, right?” Jeff said.

Changmin gasped. “Oh my god! I forgot! Junsu’s party!”

“Ha ha. Yeah. I think that party is some sort of farewell to Junsu’s single life or something like that. Tomorrow will be the marriage.”

It’s okay, hyung. You’ll find a girl that’s really for you. Forget about Neru, okay?” Changmin teased.

“Ha ha. Well, Jae’s gonna be there too, so be prepared.”

Jeff went outside the room laughing. Changmin laughed too. When he stopped, he remembered Robedith’s behaviour on the phone. He thought that maybe Jaejoong is somehow connected in it, but he was too tired to think. He went to his bed and laid on it. He closed his eyes.

Next: Chapter 12 - 4:05AM Visitor
Previous: Chapter 10 - Pain


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