
Sunday, April 4, 2010


Cool, eh?

Once upon a time on a galaxy far far away where civilization flourished, where the people obey one king, where the people worship one God, where the people speak the same tongue, and where all sh*t in the world happens - earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, meteor showers, planet-to-planet collisions, Freddy vs. Jason, Alien vs. Predator, you name it! - there lived a handsome man that the people know as Jeff.

Yeah, that's him. Handsome? I do doubt it. Well, this young aristocrat - so they say - had been the apple of the eyes of almost every woman in the kingdom of Animalia [yep, that's the name of the kingdom, really. Not so biology.] Even the Queen wants him to be her husband, though the King is not wary of this treachery of His Majesty's most beloved. His Majesty is not even aware of the existence of this young man.

One day Jeff is strolling inside the castle when he was approached by the Queen.

The Queen said, "Hello, young man. Would you like to accompany this old woman in her walk?"

Jeff shrugged his shoulders, muttered something completely indecipherable, and finally said, "It would be an honor for me to have the company of someone so regal if only I am not seeing the King right now. I think His Majesty's eyes are shooting daggers at me. I mean, look at my chest!"

Jeff ripped open his t-shirt and, to the Queen's utter surprise, saw that daggers indeed are what the King's eyes shoot at him.

"Oh no, are you alright, young man?" the Queen asked nervously as the King approached them.

"And who is this 'young man' you seem to be taking a liking with, my Queen?" The King asked.

The Queen said nothing. The King approached Jeff and saw that the daggers his eyes threw didn't even hurt Jeff - there are no signs of damage in his chest.

"State your purpose," the King asked, summoning all the authority in his voice to try to intimidate the man.

"I don't know my purpose," Jeff replied weakly.

"And why is that?" the King continued.

"I don't know. Why are you asking me? Ask the freakin' writer of this blog post! It's his fault that I'm here, though I'm happy that he made me handsome. I mean, just yesterday I'm fishing when suddenly...


It's been hours since Jeff started fishing. Thing is, he have not caught even one fish. But nothing's gonna break his determination to catch even one fish. Fishing is his happiness - his life.

Suddenly, the skies darkened. The wind blew past around him. The ground trembled. The waters retreated - a sign of a tsunami. Jeff looked up in the sky and noticed that something is headed towards him. A huge asteroid!

But Jeff never panicked. He know what to do during these kinds of situations. What he did was...

He continued fishing.

Suddenly, all signs of violence around him disappeared as if by magic. Then a young man appeared before his eyes.

Yes, this is the man who, all of a sudden, appeared in front of Jeff.

"Amazing. You didn't even flinch, let alone lose your composure. Truly amazing," the stranger said.

Jeff took aside his fishing road and talked to the man.

"Who are you?

"I am.. well, I'm someone who's name is not important, really," said the stranger.

"I insist. And tell me, are you a guy or a girl?" asked Jeff.

"Well, if I'm a girl, which is obviously not - are you that stupid that you can't tell I'm a guy just from my voice? - would you fall in love with me?"

Jeff said, "You're a guy, so I won't fall in love with you."

The stranger then said, "Is that your final answer?" a la Who Wants to be a Millionaire.

"Can I call a friend first?" Jeff said.

"There's no phone here," replied the stranger.

"Ask the audience?"

"Go ask the trees and the grass and the waters and the clouds and those beautiful worms there."


"You only have two choices. 50:50 isn't available. I mean, if I allow you to use that, what would remain from the choices? Of course the right one, dummy."

"No," Jeff said.

"No what?" asked the stranger.

"My answer is NO damn it!" Jeff yelled.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... Sorry, your answer is wrong. It should be yes. Well, that's alright."

The stranger flicked his fingers and suddenly, Jeff found himself turning and spinning. The surroundings disappeared, and slowly returned. When the weird sensation ended, Jeff found himself in the middle of a huge farm.

"Sophy get down here and harvest our rice! It's already getting late!" Jeff heard a woman yelled.

"Mother I'm already harvesting!" a lady yelled back.

"Oh really. If, within 5 counts, you're not out of the house, I'm gonna freakin' burn those morning glories and strawberries and raspberries and those pigs and cows and everything else in your FarmVille!" the woman shouted.

"Coming, Mom!" the lady yelled as a reply.

Jeff approached the old woman, but before doing so, he met eyes with Sophy.

And suddenly, he felt something in his insides that he have never felt before.

Is it love?

-to be continued-
So what the hell is this huh? This is something unplanned - something that just came out of my mind to type.

Well, if you wanted to know what happened next, just post a comment. If I see two people who made a comment, just two, I will continue the story.

So this day is very unproductive again. Aside from the NCAA updates, I have no other blog post.

I practically spent the day using Photoshop CS4. And look what I learned!

But these are so simple. I still have lots to learn! :)


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