
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Earth Hour - do we really need it?

Every March, on its last Saturday, since 2008, the Earth Hour event is being held worldwide. People are encouraged to turn off non-essential lights and electronic appliances to raise awareness to the issues of climate change all over the world and, of course, to global warming. But this event is not just to encourage people to conserve energy for an hour.

 It’s all about giving people a voice on the future of our planet and working together to create a sustainable low carbon future for our planet.
                                           - From the Earth Hour website

I always participate in this event ever since it became a global movement in 2008. But during this year's Earth Hour, I became an advocate. I sent messages to my friends telling them to participate and turn off the lights that they do not use. Even those who are online in Facebook, I convinced them to turn off the lights - I even convinced them to lower the brightness of their computer monitors. With it, energy can also be conserved without shutting down the computer completely.

And I felt happy with the fact that so many people honored my request.

But after the hour, that feeling was somehow halted.

A question suddenly popped right in front of my face.

Do we really need Earth Hour?

No, I'm not against the event, if that's what's going on in your mind. I'm an advocate, just like I stated before.

But that question is something that really bothered me.

Earth Hour is really a wonderful event, no argument about that. It encourages people to conserve energy. It raises the awareness of people on concerns about climate change and global warming. It's great, really.

But think about it. If this event was not realized, do you think people will turn off non-essential lights and electronic appliances? Do you think people like me would encourage others to conserve energy?

Probably not.

And that is a shame to us all.

A friend of mine told me that it would be better if there will be Earth Hours during every month of the year, not just every March. Really, it's a better idea.

But I have a better idea.

Why not celebrate Earth Hour every hour?

Really, it doesn't take a genius to see that the world is deteriorating. Climates change in degrees like never before. Temperature rose in such heights people are complaining. The reason? Global warming.

Icebergs on both the North and South poles are melting. Funny? You should know that this phenomenon is alarming. Lots of low lying islands all around the globe will be erased from the map if all these blocks of ice melt. The reason? Global warming.

I have known this subject ever since I was 10 years old. I remember all the talk about those greenhouse gases trapping the heat from the sun and the likes. But never did I gave serious thought about this subject until now.

In 2009, if my memory serves me right, I heard from a certain TV program that humanity have ten years to change our ways. If, after ten years, nothing changed, then - well, I can't imagine what will happen. Scientists and its comrades are doing their best to find solutions to serious environmental issues.

But will it be enough?

No. It takes more than the brains of these scientists to save the world.

What is needed is the heart of each and every person on Earth - a heart that possesses the will to change, to correct the errors, to improve the ways.

We don't need to wait for the Earth Hour to conserve energy. We don't need to wait for the Earth Hour to lend a hand in saving the planet. We don't need to wait for the Earth Hour to know that actions must be done.

We can do it right here, right now.

So what can you do?


In your own little ways, you can help. One way is to throw your garbages in the right place. This simple action is all but observed. Is it so difficult for you to throw your garbage in the trash can? So difficult that you resort to throwing it on the road, on the floor, on just about anywhere? No, it is not difficult at all. Another is to turn off non-essential lights and electronic appliances, which is the main objective of Earth Hour. But really, do we have to wait for the Earth Hour just to do this? Is there anyway that it is more advantageous to have each and every single light and electronic appliance in the house turned on every time? No, there is no way this is better than turning them off, which not just helps in lowering your monthly bill, but it helps the world, too. Another is to recycle. Through  recycling, you can help make the volume of garbages in your area lesser. You can also save money through it!

There are tons of other ways you can do to help, and I am positive that these tasks are so easy to do.

Little sacrifice from us is already a big help in propelling the planet to refurbishment and renovation.

Make an action while it is too late.

Conserve energy.

Save the world.


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